On election day 2010 the town was swamped with an enormous amount of rain and extra 800 visitors as they hosted the 2010 Jeep 24hr MTB Enduro.
With much excitement, the four of us. Kate, Haydn, Dave & Jo set off for Forrest on Friday morning. We set up camp on the oval then went out for an easy ride to check out the race trails.
We had a great meal at a local B&B restaurant in the main street then went back to camp for our pre race sleep.
9am Sat. The oval began to fill with 650 riders and their support crews. We get a wake up call as Dave played a tune on the bagpipes. Our spirits drop quickly as the rain started to fall.
Race Review
- 12pm Sat. Race underway. Haych and Dave set off on their first laps. Still raining a little.
3pm Sat. Dave and Kate hit the lead in the mixed pairs category. Haych and Jo are in 6th Place. Still raining. - 6pm Sat. Still raining and the trails are getting bad.
- 12am Sun. Half way. We are riding the night lap now a little easier but the mud sticks to everything. The bikes are starting suffer. Kate and Dave have a clear laps lead. Haych & Jo have moved up into 3rd place.
- 6am Sun. As the sun starts to rise we take off on the second day circuit "Mariners Run"
The rain has stopped for a few hour now but the mud.......... Haych and Jo have just made 2nd place by a very slim margin. - 12pm Sun. Race over. Kate & Dave 1st place with 22 laps. Haych and Jo 2nd place 21 laps.
Race Debrief.Sore, tired and a little bruised we set off home. Adrenaline still pumping with a sense of achievement.
We! Are! Awesome!
Race Stats. ( for the 4 of us)639 km ridden.
49 hrs riding time.
48 power jells and sports bars.
48 litres of water.
24 bike washes.
20 cans of coke.
4 hrs of sleep
2 bottles of red wine (Support crew) or was that 3.
4 happy campers...........